Tuesday, August 28, 2007

30 weeks

30 weeks, 9 more to go. the past 30 weeks have positively flown by. so i have a feeling the next 9 will seem like nothing. although, i would prefer 8. hopefully oliver knows this.

he has been growing like a maniac: witness my belly. he's got strong legs and lets me know it. this morning, he managed to wedge his leg right up into my ribs, preventing me from bending over. bryan had to put on my sock since i couldn't reach my foot. if i tried to bend, i got some serious kicks to the ribs. the boy likes his space.

the nursery is almost complete. just need to hang pictures. we bought recliners this weekend (found a good "2for" deal); mine is currently in our bedroom (where i am attempting to break it in with nighttime reading), and bryan's is in the basement awaiting xbox gaming. just need to get my medela stool.

and then i think we are ready! we'll still have to get items like baby aspirin, diaper creme, etc, but that can wait. :) i'm gearing up for some serious fall cooking, so i can package and freeze meals. that way when we're dead tired and on a newborn's schedule, all we will have to do is pull out a container from the freezer and voila! - homemade tortellini. what can i say, i am a planner.

1 comment:

Brent said...

WOW...getting exciting!!!