Saturday, November 20, 2010

trick or treat (but mostly trick)

oliver understood a little more about halloween this year, but it still wasn't entirely clear to him. he remembered his robot costume from last year, and he remembered getting candy, but still couldn't quite grasp the concept.

this year, we decided he would be a cowboy.  his awesome godfather Chris sent him a cowboy hat, guns, and holsters, Nana made him a cute corduroy vest and chaps, and we provided the plaid shirt, jeans, and cowboy boots.  to say he looked cute in his costume is an understatement.  we had wanted to do trick or treat at the zoo, but we managed to completely miss it!  unfortunately, they didn't have trick or treat on halloween itself.  trick or treat in our neighboorhood is from 1 - 3 p.m., which is strictly reserved for nap time, so we decided to head over to mom and dad's 'hood after nap, since they do evening trick or treat.

before trick or treating, though, oliver had to throw a royal fit over... oh, NOTHING.  just being 3.  he almost didn't go.  but once he figured out that No Trick Or Treating = No Candy, he decided to cooperate (though he refused to wear the chaps).  bryan took him through the subdivision close to my parents' block, where we knew there would be a lot of kids, and houses close together.  and wouldn't you know it, after all that fussing, he actually had FUN.

the day ended well, with dinner at Nana and Grandpa's, and, of course, chocolate!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

What a stud he is! Love it! Viv didn't grasp the trick or treat concept either.... she just liked walking around and giving everyone a high-five as she saw them.

Ollie is such a cutie! Glad it worked out!
