Friday, June 29, 2007


the dogs had their vet appointment yesterday. big ups for both dogs on their pretty sparkly teeth as usual, but while examining ally, the vet found a small lump on her left hind leg. she performed a biopsy to be safe. i spoke with the vet this morning, and they have determined that it is mast cell cancer. they recommend surgery. they are putting together a plan and will call me back.
i'm feeling nervous. i've done a lot of reading on this type of cancer in dogs over the last hour. it seems that the stage the cancer is at cannot be determined until the tumor is removed, nor can they determine if the cancer has spread to her tissue, bone marrow, or lymphs nodes until they do so. i am hoping that we caught it early enough that surgery, and perhaps follow up prednisone treatments, will be enough. i'm at a loss at what to do, and for those of you who know me, you know that is something i like very little. i guess we'll just have to wait and see. please keep her in your prayers.

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